Dr. Tye offers short explanations of some of the common conditions he sees in his patients. If you or anyone in your family is experiencing, or have questions regarding, any of the conditions below, please call to make an appointment with Dr. Tye. He will be pleased to assess your eyes and vision and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Amblyopia – A condition in which one eye’s performance is inferior to the other. This condition often is called “lazy eye” and must be corrected early in order to develop good vision in the weaker eye.
Astigmatism – This condition involves the shape of the eyeball. In those with astigmatism the front of the eye (cornea) is not spherical (like a basketball) but is distorted or warped (like a football).
Blepharitis – Inflammation of the eyelid often caused by bacteria and debris on the surface of the eyes and lids which causes an irritated eye and red lids.
Cataracts – A condition usually related to aging in which the eye’s natural lens becomes cloudy, resulting in blurry vision.
Conjunctivitis – An inflammation of the thin layer covering the inner surface of the eyelids and white of the eyes. This condition can be caused by infection, allergies, dry eye, or exposure to noxious substances.
Corneal Neovascularization – A condition resulting from the cornea being deprived of oxygen, primarily due to wearing contact lenses for too long, or wearing contact lenses from materials not compatible with the eyes.
Diabetic Retinopathy – Caused by weakening and subsequent leakage of the retinal blood vessels at the back of the eye. The body compensates by creating new blood vessels which are weak and are prone to further leakage. Diabetics more at risk are those whose blood sugars are not well controlled or those who have been diagnosed with diabetes for many years.
Dry Eye – The result of a collection of disorders in which the eye does not produce enough tears, or poor quality tears. Dry eye is very common and can range from mild to severe.
Glaucoma – A condition, often caused by high intra-ocular pressure or thin corneas, in which the optic nerve is damaged, affecting peripheral vision. There are many causes and classifications of glaucoma.
Hyperopia – Often called “far-sightedness”. This condition makes near and distance vision blurry. Although many far-sighted individuals can still see clearly it causes eyestrain and headaches.
Macular Degeneration – Related to aging, this condition refers to the degeneration, or scarring, of the macula which is the area of the retina responsible for our clearest, central vision.
Myopia – This condition is more commonly known as “near-sightedness”. Objects in the distance are difficult to see clearly, but often reading is still clear without corrective lenses.
Presbyopia – Also related to aging, this common condition, which appears in our early 40’s, is caused by the eye’s natural lens losing its flexibility. It becomes more difficult to focus on close-up tasks, such as reading.
Strabismus – A condition in which the eyes are not aligned. One eye is misaligned up, down, or off to either side while the dominant eye looks straight ahead. Early diagnosis and treatment is vital to development of normal vision in children.
Vitreous Floaters – Small or large black spots that appear in your field of vision, that appear to “float” with eye movements, that are caused by changes to the gel which fills your eye that cast shadows on your retina. Floaters are a common age-related change but should be examined promptly if associated with flashing lights or changes to vision.